How can SSOs be reduced or eliminated?

Many avoidable SSOs are caused by inadequate or negligent operation or maintenance, inadequate system capacity, and improper system design and construction. These SSOs can be reduced or eliminated by:

  • Sewer system cleaning and maintenance
  • Reducing infiltration and inflow through system rehabilitation and repairing broken or leaking service lines.
  • Enlarging or upgrading sewer, pump station, or sewage treatment plant capacity and/or reliability.
  • Construction wet weather storage and treatment facilities to treat excess flows.

Communities also should address SSOs during sewer system master planning and facilities planning, or while extending the sewer system into previously unsewered areas.

A few SSOs may be unavoidable. Unavoidable SSOs include those occurring from unpreventable vandalism, some types of blockages, extreme rainstorms, and acts of nature such as earthquakes or floods.